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An Amazing Conversation of Lord Krishna with His Friends In Vrindavan

It was a beautiful day in Vrindavan. Lord Krishna and his friends were playing in the beautiful meadows of Vrindavan. As they played, they couldn't help but gossip about the other inhabitants of the town and all the cows or people. Krishna, the main leader of the group, was the first to start the conversation with his dear friends.

Krishna: "Have you guys noticed how much butter Radha's mother has been making lately?"

Balram: "Yes, I heard that they're going to be selling it at the market tomorrow."

Krishna: "Really? I might have to buy some. Because I can never resist the butter made by Radha's mother."
Sudama: "Speaking of Radha, have you seen how she's been spending her valuable time with that boy who comes new in their town?"
Krishna: "Which new boy? I haven't seen anyone any new boy around her."
Sudama: "He's from Mathura. I heard he's about him and may know that he’s been coming to our Vrindavan recently to meet his relatives and will stay for a few days."
Krishna: "Interesting. Then, I think we'll have to keep an eye out for him this time and notice."
Subala: "Hey, did you hear about the new temple they're building near the Yamuna River in our Vrindavan?"
Krishna: "No, I haven't listened. But who's building it there?"
Subala: "I heard about it's being built by a wealthy merchant who recently moved to town."
Krishna: "That's really great news. Vrindavan needs more temples of god for preaching."
Madhumangal: "Hey, have you heard about all the gossip surrounding Nanda's son?"
Krishna: "What gossip?"
Madhumangal: "Well, I don’t know more about it but some people are saying that he's actually the son of the god Indra, not Nanda."
"Ha! That's ridiculous. Who is spreading this type of words I am Nanda's son, and I can assure you about it that there's no truth to that rumor."
"I heard from a few of my sources that some people have been complaining about the noise from our games in the meadows."
Krishna: "What?! That's absurd. We've been playing in these meadows since we were kids. They can't expect us to stop now that’s not right."
"I heard about it a few days ago that the village elders are planning to arrange a meeting to discuss the issue about our playing."
Krishna: "Well, we'll just have to make sure we're quieter from today on. We don't want to upset anyone in our town because of our playing."

Subala: "Hey, did you guys hear about the beautiful new girl who just moved into our Vrindavan?"
Krishna: "No, I haven't. What's she like about?"
Subala: "I haven't met her yet, but I heard that she's from a wealthy family and that she's very beautiful."
Krishna: "Interesting. I'll have to meet her today and see."
Madhumangal: "Hey, have you guys heard about the new cow that just gave birth in the meadows?"
Krishna: "No, I haven't. Is the calf healthy?"
Madhumangal: "Yes, it's very healthy. And the cow is producing a lot of milk too."
Krishna: "That's great news. I love taking care of the cows in Vrindavan."
Balram: "Speaking of cows, have you guys heard about the new bull that's been causing trouble in the fields?"
Krishna: "No, I haven't. What kind of trouble?"
Balram: "He's been attacking the other bulls and trying to mate with the cows."
Krishna: "That's not good. We'll have to do something about it before he hurts someone."
Sudama: "Hey, have you guys heard about the new teacher who just started teaching at the local school?"
Krishna: "No, I haven

In this Blog, Lord Krishna's discussion with his companions or friends in Vrindavan was a captivating one, loaded with shrewdness and humor. All through the discussion, Krishna edified his companions on the significance of sympathy, absolution, and love. He likewise exhibited the requirement for lowliness, steadiness, and commitment throughout everyday life.

Krishna's words reverberated with his companions, who listened eagerly, getting clarification on pressing issues and sharing their own encounters. The discussion finished with a feeling of satisfaction and happiness, as the companions felt a recharged feeling of direction and clearness.

In general, Krishna's lessons proceed to rouse and direct individuals from varying backgrounds, helping us to remember the magnificence and lavishness of the human experience.

Read this new poem: 

                                                                                                                  Hare Krishna 


  1. Wow. It's a great share.

    I like it. Please share this type of blogs.

  2. I really like the writing style. A devotee from US and fan of your blog. Thanks for posting a blog after a long time.

  3. Hey,

    I am Ovie from Nigeria. I love to read Lord Krishna blog or book. One of my friend share me your blog a year ago and I started reading it from scratch maybe you posted 59 blogs and I read all of them. And among the blogs you have posted, my one of the most favorite is the benefits of chanting Hare Krishna Mah mantra. I started chanting after reading your blog. Thank you for sharing it. Now, I visit ISKCON temples. And now I started reading the books of Gaur Gopal Das Prabhuji it's too good.

    Today I checked your blog and get your new post after 4 months it's a long gap. And I am really happy to know about Lord Krishna's conversation with his friends. Please don't stop posting. We are really waiting for your post.

    Hare Krishna

  4. Привет меня зовут София.

    Я живу в России, у меня никого нет. Мне было очень одиноко от предыдущего боча, мне ничего не нравилось.

    Однажды я пролистал Google и нашел вашу статью о том, что Хой Шри Кришна не Майри Радхарани. Вы не поверите, но я читаю ваш блог каждый день в течение последнего года и чувствую Любовь Господа Кришны Ауре Радхарани. Этот блог дает мне странный покой, который я никому не могу объяснить.

    Раньше я читал ваш блог каждый день, но долго не находил ваш блог Я много искал, нашел вашу учетную запись quora, но не нашел ваш пост.

    Мне очень понравилось читать ваш блог сегодня, я ничего не мог сделать, но когда я чувствую стресс, я воспеваю Харе Кришна Махамантру.

    Пусть Господь Кришна всегда благословляет тебя и пусть ты всегда живешь благословенной жизнью.

    Харе Кришна

  5. Shri Krishna ka jo yaadein hai unhe aaj bhi ham sab dohrate hai khass kr chote baccho ke roop m

  6. Ich liebe es, deinen Blog zu lesen. Bitte teilen Sie mehr. Ihre Blogs bauen Stress ab.

  7. After reading your blog "Benefits of Chanting Hare Krishna Maha Mantra" I know the original meaning.

    The Maha Mantra, also known as the Hare Krishna Mantra, is a powerful chant that has been recited for thousands of years in the Hindu tradition. It is believed to have the ability to transform one's consciousness and bring about spiritual awakening. Personally, the Maha Mantra has had a profound impact on my life and has transformed the way I perceive the world.

    Before discovering the Maha Mantra, I was going through a difficult period in my life. I was dealing with stress and anxiety, and I felt lost and disconnected from my spiritual path. I had tried various methods to find peace and happiness, but nothing seemed to work. However, one day, a friend introduced me to the Maha Mantra, and it changed everything.

    At first, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of the chant. But as I began to recite it regularly, I noticed a shift in my energy and consciousness. The more I chanted, the more I felt a deep sense of peace and joy within me. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I was finally able to connect with my innermost self.

    Over time, the Maha Mantra became a regular part of my daily routine. I would chant it in the morning before starting my day, and in the evening before going to bed. I also started attending kirtans, which are musical gatherings where devotees come together to chant and dance in devotion to Krishna.

    The Maha Mantra has not only helped me find inner peace, but it has also deepened my connection to spirituality. I have developed a greater understanding and appreciation for the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and other sacred texts. I have also become more aware of my actions and their impact on the world around me.

    One of the most significant ways the Maha Mantra has changed my life is by opening my heart. As I chanted, I began to feel a sense of love and compassion for all living beings. This has inspired me to practice kindness and generosity in my daily life, and to make choices that benefit others as well as myself.

    In conclusion, the Maha Mantra has been a powerful force for transformation in my life. It has helped me find inner peace, deepen my spirituality, and open my heart to love and compassion. I am grateful for this sacred chant and the positive impact it has had on my life.

    Thank you so much for sharing it.

  8. This sounds like a fascinating conversation! Lord Krishna always had a way with words and it's incredible to imagine the depth of wisdom and insight he shared with his friends in Vrindavan. I would love to hear more about the topics they discussed and the lessons that were imparted during this conversation.

  9. Dr. Neetu Barman22 March 2023 at 13:43

    This conversation between Lord Krishna and his friends in Vrindavan is truly amazing. It is a beautiful reminder of the importance of friendship, love, and devotion in our lives.

    Thanks you so much for sharing it. I really love your writing style you have a bright future. Lord Krishna blessed you.

    Hare Krishna

  10. Vishnupriya devi dasi23 March 2023 at 23:17

    I don't know how to thank you.

    The conversation of Lord Krishna with his friends in Vrindavan is a fascinating example of the wisdom and joy that can be found in simple everyday interactions. Through their playful banter and profound insights, Krishna and his friends remind us of the beauty and depth that can be found in even the most ordinary moments of life.

    Hare Krishna

  11. Cheetah for you26 March 2023 at 00:29

    Wow, this blog post on Lord Krishna's conversation with his friends in Vrindavan is truly fascinating and insightful. It's amazing to read about the intimate and playful interactions between Lord Krishna and his childhood friends, and how their conversations touched upon profound philosophical truths.

    The author did an excellent job of bringing this conversation to life and providing context for the reader. The descriptions of the scenery and atmosphere of Vrindavan were vivid and evocative, and I could almost imagine myself there with Lord Krishna and his friends.

    I especially appreciated how the blog post explored the deeper meaning behind the conversation, highlighting the importance of living in the present moment and cherishing our relationships with others. The message of love, friendship, and spiritual wisdom is timeless and relevant to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

    Overall, this blog post was a joy to read and left me feeling inspired and uplifted. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

    I am becoming a big fan of yours as the days go by.

    Hare Krishna Dear

  12. Cute Meghan Priya1 May 2023 at 07:15

    I completely agree with the idea that Lord Krishna's teachings continue to inspire and guide people from all walks of life. His wisdom on compassion, forgiveness, and love are timeless and relevant even in today's world. Krishna's ability to use humor and wit in his teachings makes them all the more relatable and engaging. His message of humility, perseverance, and dedication is something that we can all strive to apply in our lives. It is truly remarkable how his words have stood the test of time and continue to provide us with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.


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