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Significance of Kartik (Damodara) month...what and why to do?

Kartik (Damodar) month starts from 20th October... what to do in it?

Religious work done in the month of Kartik is infinitely fruitful. According to the scriptures, this month is the holiest month of the whole year.  The month of Kartik is very dear to Lord Vishnu.  Therefore, even a little worship done in this month makes God very happy.  A person who does fasting and austerity in the month of Kartik will attain salvation.

Lord Shri Krishna is very dear to Tulsi in the vegetation, Dwarkapuri in the holy fields, Ekadashi in the dates and Kartik in the months - Krishnapriyo hi kartikh, kartik: krishnavallabh.  That is why the month of Kartik is considered very holy and virtuous.
• Damodar is a name of the Supreme Lord Krishna.

• All respected Hari devotees are requested to worship Lord Damodar.

• Keep a picture of the Supreme Lord Krishna with Mother Yashoda and Okhal.

• Damodarashtakam (Eight verses prayer to Lord Damodar Krishna which should be sung in every Kartika) in audio-video or written form.

• Special worship of Tulsi Maharani is done in this month.

• Light a lamp in front of Lord Damodar while singing or listening to Damodarashtakam.

• The holy Damodar month is very dear to the Supreme Lord Krishna and the chanting of Hari Naam, virtuous, charity, lamp donation done in this month gives manifold results!

• This month is very dear to God and in this month God has performed maximum pastimes. 

Worshiping in the month of Kartik with full devotion and devotion fulfills the wishes. The major and major Teej-festivals fall in the month of Kartik. The month of Kartik begins with Sharad Purnima. After this, festivals like Karva Chauth, Dhanteras, Roop Chaudas, Deepawali, Govardhan Puja, Bhaiya Dooj, Dev Uthni Ekadashi etc. will be celebrated. The month of Kartik ends on Guru Nanak Purnima.

 On the occasion of Devuthani Ekadashi in the month of Kartik, once again auspicious and auspicious works will start. The process of marriage, marriage, home entry, Muhurta etc. will also start.

• According to the scriptures, Kartik month

- Bhavishya Purana

 According to the legend of Bhavishya Purana, once in the month of Kartik, Shri Krishna was delayed in coming to meet Radha at Kunj. It is said that this angered Radha. They tied Shri Krishna's stomach with a rope of vines, in fact Mother Yashoda did not allow Kanhaiya to come out of the house due to some festival. When Radha realized the situation, she was ashamed. He immediately apologized and released Damodar Shri Krishna from bondage. That is why the month of Kartik is also called 'Shri Radha-Damodara month'.

- Padma Purana

 It is mentioned in the Padma Purana that Satyabhama had the privilege of being Krishna's consort only by performing the rituals of Ekadashi and Kartik Vrat in a previous birth.  From the point of view of fasting and austerity, the month of Kartik has been said to be the most benevolent, best and rare.

- Skanda Purana

According to Skanda Purana, the greatness of Kartika was conveyed by Narayana to Brahma, Brahma to Narada and Narada to Maharaja Prithu. According to Padma Purana, awakening near Lord Vishnu at night, bathing in the morning, service of Tulsi, Udyapan and lamp donation are all five rules of Kartik month. During this month, ritualistic bathing-worship, Bhagavad-katha hearing and sankirtana are performed. Varun Snan, i.e. bathing in the reservoir has special significance at this time. Pilgrimage-bath is also of immense importance. Devotees take bath and circumambulation at Sri Radhakund during this month in Braj. Tulsi is worshiped by chanting.

'Śrī Tulasī-Kīrtana

namo namaḥ tulasī kṛṣṇa-preyasi namo namaḥ
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-sevā pābo ei abilāṣī

ye tomāra śaraṇa loy, tara vāñchā pūrṇa hoy
kṛpā kori’ koro tāre vṛndāvana-vāsi

mora ei abhilāṣa, vilāsa kuñje dio vāsa
nayana heribo sadā yugala-rūpa-rāśi

ei nivedana dhara, sakhīra anugata koro
sevā-adhikāra diye koro nīja dāsī

dīna kṛṣṇa-dāse koy, ei yena mora hoy
śrī-rādhā-govinda-preme sadā yena bhāsi

(1) O Tulasī, beloved of Kṛṣṇa, I bow before you again and again. My desire is to obtain the service of Śrī Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa.

(2) Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled. Bestowing your mercy on him, you make him a resident of Vṛndāvana.

(3) My desire is that you will also give me a residence in the pleasure groves of Śrī Vṛndāvana-dhāma. Thus within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa.

(4) I beg you to make me a follower of the cowherd damsels of Vraja. Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your own maidservant.

(5) This very fallen and lowly servant of Kṛṣṇa prays, “May I always swim in the love of Śrī Śrī Rādhā and Govinda.'

Śrī Tulasī Pradakṣiṇa Mantra

(Sing while circumambulating Tulasī)

yāni kāni ca pāpāni / brahma-hatyādikāni ca
tāni tāni praṇaśyanti / pradakṣiṇaḥ pade pade

yāni kāni—whatever; ca—and; pāpāni—sins; brahma-hatya—killing of a brāhmaṇa; ādikāni—and so on; ca—also; tāni tāni—all of them; praṇaśyanti—are destroyed; pradakṣiṇaḥ—(by) the circumambulation (of Tulasī Devī); pade pade—at every step.

Those who circumambulate Śrīmatī Tulasī-devī step by step destro whatever sins they have committed, even the killing of a brāhmaṇa. 

 It is believed that Lord Krishna is pleased by the ritualistic worship of Radha in the month of Damodar, because all the undertakings to please Radha are very dear to Lord Damodar.

• Importance of kartik month

 1. Kartik is the month of Lord Vishnu in the 12 months of the Hindu calendar.  In this, the constellation-planet yoga, the order of the date festival gives wealth, fame-majority, profit, good health.

 2. In ancient times, there is a mention of the beginning of the year in different months, but in modern times the beginning of the year in different parts of India is in the month of Kartik or Chaitra.

 3. In this month, Shiva's son Kartikeya killed the demon Tarakasur, hence the name Kartik, the one who gives victory.

 4. The greatness of Kartik month is also found in Skanda Purana, Narada Purana, Padma Purana.

 5. About twenty days of Kartik month inspire man to strengthen himself by worshiping God.  That is why this month is also called the door of salvation.

 6. It is said in the scriptures that in the month of Kartik, all the needs of man, such as good health, family progress, God's grace, etc., get spiritual solution very easily.

• What to do in this month and what rules and precautions should be kept?

 According to the scriptures, meat, fish and whey should be discarded in this month.  Along with this, you should be patient throughout the month.  Apart from this, one should do penance with fasting and rules.

Offering Lamps

 According to religious scriptures, the most important work in the month of Kartik is said to be donating lamps.  In this month, Daily offer a pure ghee-lamp (lit with a Tulasi-stick from a departed Tulasi-bush) to Radha-Damodara with love & devotion.

• Tulsi Puja

Daily offer lamp to Tulsi devi and pray for eternal residence in Vrndavana and eternal service of the lotus feet of Radha and Krishna. Do 4 parikrama (circumbulation) of Tulasi.

• Worship Lord Krishna

One should always remember Supreme Lord Hari. Devotees should try to do more Harinam Chanting. Do extra rounds and more kirtana.

• Associate with Vaishnavas

Hear Srimad Bhagavatam, daily in association of exalted Vaisnavas, if possible. All other duties should be given up in favor of hearing the scriptures from sadhus during this month. It is most beneficial to recite and read Gajendra Moksha Lila-stava from 8th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, which teaches complete surrender/dependence of Supreme Lord.

• Eat only prasadam.

Make nice offerings for Krishna. Devotees should observe the festival of Annakuta, Giriraj Govardhan Puja.

• Must sing Damodarastakam during Kartik month 

Namamiswaram sachchidanandroopam, lasatkundalam gokule brajmanam.

 Yashodabhiolukhaladhavamanam, paramshtamtyam tato drutya gopya..1.

Rudantam muhurnetrajyugam mrijantam, karambhoja-yugena satankanetram.

 Muhuhshwaskamp - Trirekhaprakantha-sthita grava-damodaram bhaktibadham..2.

itīdṛk sva-līlābhir ānanda-kuṇḍe, sva-ghoṣaḿ nimajjantam ākhyāpayantam

tadīyeṣita-jñeṣu bhaktair jitatvaḿ , punaḥ prematas taḿ śatāvṛtti vande..3.

varaḿ deva mokṣaḿ na mokṣāvadhiḿ vā , na canyaḿ vṛṇe ‘haḿ vareṣād apīha

idaḿ te vapur nātha gopāla-bālaḿ , sadā me manasy āvirāstāḿ kim anyaiḥ..4.

idaḿ te mukhāmbhojam atyanta-nīlair , vṛtaḿ kuntalaiḥ snigdha-raktaiś ca gopyā
muhuś cumbitaḿ bimba-raktādharaḿ me , manasy āvirāstām alaḿ lakṣa-lābhaiḥ..5.

namo deva dāmodarānanta viṣṇo , prasīda prabho duḥkha-jālābdhi-magnam
kṛpā-dṛṣṭi-vṛṣṭyāti-dīnaḿ batānu , gṛhāṇeṣa mām ajñam edhy akṣi-dṛśyaḥ..6.

kuverātmajau baddha-mūrtyaiva yadvat , tvayā mocitau bhakti-bhājau kṛtau ca
tathā prema-bhaktiḿ svakāḿ me prayaccha , na mokṣe graho me ‘sti dāmodareha..7.

namas te ‘stu dāmne sphurad-dīpti-dhāmne, tvadīyodarāyātha viśvasya dhāmne
namo rādhikāyai tvadīya-priyāyai , namo ‘nanta-līlāya devāya tubhyam..8.

Chant the Mahamantra as much as possible

 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

 Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Damodar Leelas...

 a) Ukhal Bandhan Leela

 Ukhal Bandhan Leela is also called Damodar Leela.  This is a very beautiful Leela of the Lord.

 Once upon a time, Nandrani Yashoda ji engaged all the maids of the house in other works and herself started churning curd to feed butter to her Lala.  Maya used to remember Kanhaiya's pastimes and also used to sing.  Nand Baba had thousands of servants and servants, but Maya used to do Lala's work with her own hands.

 We, you will wonder why she herself was taking out the butter.  If she could get this work done by a servant also, then Guru Bhagwan told - Maya does Lala's work herself, this increases the love of Maya and Kanha.  Mothers who do not do the work of their children themselves, get them done by servants, whether their children will grow up to love their parents or not is doubtful in itself.

 Yashoda Maiya had some flowers in her hair.  At the time of churning of curd, those flowers started falling out of their hair and falling at their feet.  Flowers thought that Yashoda Mayya is such a loving devotee of Shri Krishna, we have no right to be on his head.  We have to make our life successful only by staying at their feet.

b) Maiya and Kanhaiya's love

 Kanhaiya came to his mother and, increasing love in Maya's heart, grabbed the churn of curd, stopped her from churning the curd and climbed herself by jumping on the mother's lap. Due to excess of Vatsalyasneh, Maiya started feeding Lala with milk.

 The milk of Padmagandha cow was kept in the fire, it started boiling. Gaia's milk thought - If Kanhaiya will drink only Maya's milk today, then he will not accept me. So I will commit suicide by jumping into the fire. If God will not accept me then what is the use of my life?

 Seeing the milk boiling, Maiya left Lala unsatisfied and went to get the milk off. This angered Kanhaiya. He thought that the milk and curd which has made a difference between me and Maya, now I will not let this milk and curd remain safe. Kanhaiya picked up a stone and hit it on the pot kept nearby. The pot broke and milk and curd spread.

 Now Kanhaiya filled her eyes with artificial tears, went to another room and started eating stale butter and started feeding the monkeys too. Thought- these are my past life companions.

When Maya came, she saw that the pot was broken, butter was spread. Maya understood that all this was the handiwork of my Lala. Maya reached there with a stick where Kanhaiya was feeding butter to the monkeys sitting on the hut. Kanhaiya saw Maya coming with a stick, so he ran through the back door of Nand Bhavan.

c) Kanhaiya's eccentric Leela

 A very strange Leela is happening today. Big gods are watching, Narada is watching, the gopis are watching. The Lord is running forward and backward and the devotee is running back and forth. Yashodaji is running back and forth to catch the same God in whom the great yogis are not able to enter even after making their mind very subtle and pure through penance, but Shri Krishna does not come.

 When Kanhaiya saw that Maya was tired, then he stood up and caught hold of Maya. Holding Kanhaiya's hand, she started intimidating him. At that time Lala's tableau was becoming very strange. Kanhaiya started crying and shedding tears. Yashoda Maiya saw that Lala was very scared, Maiya threw the stick. After that thought that it should be tied with a rope once. Maya asked for a rope to tie and started tying Kanhaiya.

 Kanhaiya started Leela again, the rope became two fingers short! Then Maiya added another rope, that too became two fingers short, thus adding all the ropes of Gokul, still could not tie Kanhaiya and if the rope was short then two fingers.

 The meaning (meaning) of shortening the rope with two fingers, God explains that my mother, when these two tasks are completed, then only I come in the bondage of someone. Which? The devotee who performs the hymn should have desire and God's grace. Only then the Lord comes under the control of the devotee, he is bound in bondage.

 Lord Krishna saw Maya very tired; Then by grace he himself got tied in the bondage of his mother. By the way, Shri Krishna is supremely independent. Along with Brahma, Indra etc., the whole world is under his control. Still, bound like this, he told the world that I am under the control of loving devotees.

 In Sanskrit, the string is called 'Dama' and 'Udar' is called the stomach. Yashoda Maiya tied the stomach of Lord Krishna with a rope, hence the name of the Lord Damodar.

d) The salvation of Yamalarjuna

 Maiya tied up Kanhaiya with her neck and got busy in her work. Kanhaiya saw that Maya is doing her work, so I should also do my work.

 Two trees of Yamalarjuna stood outside the Nand Bhavan. One's name was Nalkubar and the other's name was to save Manigriva, who had become a tree due to Narada's curse. Kanhaiya came out of Nand Bhavan dragging Ukhal. There he trapped Ukhal between the two trees and pulled it loudly, there was a terrible sound and both the trees fell. Divine men appeared from among them.

 Nalkubar and Manigriva were very wicked and troubled in their previous lives. Due to the curse of Narad ji, he got the privilege of becoming a tree in the courtyard of Nand Baba. Seeing the pastimes of Lord Shri Krishna, his intellect became pure. Today he got freedom from his tree avatar. He asked for a boon from Shri Krishna-

 Oh God! After today, if anything comes out of our speech, then your name will come out or your story will come out. Don't waste time with things here and there.

 If we hear something with our ears, your praise, your kirtan, your story is another boon.

 If someone works with his hands, then it should be service to you, service to the temple, service of saint, service of Thakur. This is the use of hands.

 The mind should always think of you and asked for this boon.

 Our heads kept bowing to salute all the people. Because you are seated in all the people. Give us such a boon that our eyes should always see you or see the devotee of God.

God granted him a boon, and he went to the abode of God.

Teachings from the said pastimes

These Gopi Nandan are as accessible to the adoring devotees as they are to the soul-conscious, ritualistic and ascetic.

 Lord Krishna knew that his pastimes in Kali Yuga would be very beautiful, which would attract the mind. That's why he did this Leela.

 The shortening of the two-fingered rope means that the Lord wants to show - when a man has desire and ego (two fingers) in his mind and he desires to have Me, then I do not bind him. When desire and ego are removed from his mind, then I do mercy to him and I am bound by his bondage.

Hare Krishna 🙏🙏


  1. Thank you so much for this valuable information.

    Hare Krishna 🙏🙏
    May lord Krishna bless you.

  2. Finally, today I got your article. It's so much glad for me.
    Thank you thank you so much.🙏🙏

  3. Wow, really I got goosebumps. Surely I follow all the rules of this precious month.

    Thank you so much for your valuable information.
    Hare Krishna 🙏🙏

    Again Thanks a lot.

  4. Thank you so much for this informative article.

    Hare Krishna 🙏🙏

  5. tq very much very nice


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